3 Ways to Avoid Busting Your Budget This Holiday Season


The holidays are upon us and many families are digging deep to find the cash for gifts and travel costs. According to a recent survey, the average U.S. household plans to spend an average of $683 on holiday related shopping, a slight drop from last year.1 With unemployment close to 10%, and many more families unsure about their financial future for 2010, finding ways of enjoying the season without busting the budget are more important than ever.2

Primerica presents three easy ways to make your money go farther this Christmas.

  1. Shop Smart. Both traditional retailers and online merchants often run sales or offer incentives like free shipping to encourage consumers to buy. Just shopping around a bit could help you save big.
  2. Stick to Your Budget. Decide ahead of time how much you want to spend on each person or gift and stick to it.
  3. Try a “Stay” Cation. Airfare for a family can really stress a budget – especially when the economy is slow. Even gas and other travel expenses could be a big strain on a family’s finances. Consider staying close to home this year. Start a new family tradition like watching a special holiday movie together, going caroling in your neighborhood or taking cookies and homemade crafts to a local senior center.

A few small changes can make a big difference and if you’re smart about your spending, you can still satisfy those wish lists – without breaking the bank!

1 National Retail Federation, www.nrf.com, October 20, 2009
2 www.dailyfinance.com, viewed December 17, 2009