Stopping the Cycle
Jason & Julie Bobrowitz
Colorado Springs, CO
Former Occupation: Engineer, Hospitality Worker

Stopping the Cycle
Jason Bobrowitz, the son of a carpenter, and his wife Julie, the daughter of a farmer, grew up in rural Wisconsin. “Where we lived, there was a lack of financial education, a lack of planning, and a lack of coaching,” recalls Jason. “Everyone worked really hard during their lives, then retired, either barely making it or broke, and then the next generation fell into the same cycle: just working every day to pay bills and barely getting by.”
Julie learned about Primerica first through her sister, Gayle. “I was studying finance and economics in college, but I was never taught anything as important as what I learned through Primerica,” says Julie. “For example, The Rule of 72, a calculation used to estimate the number of years required for an investment to double, was brand new to me!”*

After she graduated from college, Julie worked in the hospitality industry for a couple of years and began building a part-time Primerica business. When she met Jason, an engineering student, during that time, she invited him on a date. “I didn’t know it was a financial seminar,” he laughs. “I just wanted to spend time with her!” But it was on that date that Jason learned about the concepts in Primerica’s How Money Works™ guide to financial success, and it lit a fire in him to teach others what Julie had taught him.

‘Unprepared’ Gets Personal
Unfortunately, Jason had a front-row seat to seeing what can happen when families aren’t prepared for unexpected expenses. “I watched my grandfather go through medical issues that landed him in nursing home care and hospice,” Jason explains. “It broke our hearts when my grandmother called a family meeting and said she couldn’t afford for my grandfather to be alive anymore.” Jason knew that if they had learned about managing their finances earlier in life, they could have avoided some of the pitfalls they were facing.
“Seeing some of the trouble that family and friends were going through, we became very passionate about teaching people about their finances,” Jason explains. “We believe that Americans deserve a quality financial education, but we’re not taught in grade school, high school or college how insurance works, or how mortgages work, or how investments work.”

Real Families, Real Relief
Over the years, Jason and Julie have amassed countless stories of how they’ve been able to improve families’ lives by teaching Primerica’s financial concepts and how to implement those concepts into a plan that benefits each family’s future. They recall one client in particular, an 82-year-old woman who had never learned anything about finances. Jason and Julie taught her how to manage her own finances when her husband developed dementia and could no longer complete those tasks. “She looked at me and said, ’now I understand,’” Jason recounts.

Another family abruptly lost a 9-year-old child to an asthma attack after school. “Because we had put in place a term life insurance policy with a child rider, we were able to deliver a check for burial expenses within two weeks,” explains Jason. “Her employer took nine months to pay their claim. We can’t bring back a child, but we can soften a financial blow.”
The couple also shared the story of a woman who lost her husband, but thanks to her term life insurance policy, she was able to keep her home. “We do what’s right for families. We can be a force for change to stop the cycle of financial strife.”
* The Rule of 72 concept works from a mathematical standpoint and is not intended to represent an actual investment. It uses constant rates of return, unlike actual investments which will fluctuate in value. It also does not include fees or taxes, which would lower performance. It is unlikely that an investment would grow 10% or more on a consistent basis.
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