The Sky’s the Limit
Rod & Angela Stovall
Smyrna, GA
Former Occupation: Marketing Manager

The Sky’s the Limit
Rod & Angela Stovall, of Smyrna, GA, get to be the architects of their dreams through their Primerica business – building a team of people helping people and generating a family legacy for their parents and their three daughters at the same time.

The Right Entrepreneurial Opportunity
In 2001, Rod’s desire to become a successful entrepreneur finally started materializing when he began building a business with Primerica. While the vision to own his own business was always within him, he had previously struggled to find the right vehicle. “I left a pretty decent corporate marketing job to run an accounting and tax business, but it was hard to grow,” Rod recalls.
But after being introduced to the Primerica opportunity through a close friend, Rod recognized the potential in the blueprint that was provided, and soon, door after door began to open. “I saw the system of duplication, the corporate backing, and the ease of licensing,” he says. “It was a no-brainer to get started part-time. And it was also apparent that people needed the products and services we provide.”1,2

A Chance Encounter
Rod met his future wife while working remotely at a Starbucks where she and her sister were meeting for coffee. “I noticed Rod peeping over his laptop at us and eventually he walked over to our table and introduced himself,” smiles Angela.
When Angela and her sister decided to leave, Rod flagged Angela down in the parking lot, handed her his Primerica business card, and asked that she give him a call. A month went by before Angela called. “He answered the phone like he remembered who I was,” remembers Angela, impressed. “We had an excellent conversation and realized we valued some of the same things: family, career, spirituality.”

Evoking a Vision
Rod’s focus on manifesting success had a profound effect on Angela. Early on while they were dating, Rod asked her a series of questions. “He got me back to dreaming,” Angela recalls. “He asked me where I would like to live, what type of home I’d like to have, how many bedrooms? What places would I like to travel?”
That conversation was uncomfortable, Angela remembers, because she realized she had stopped dreaming of all the possibilities available when hard work could pay off.
“I had high respect for the hard work he put in, and I gave him the space required to do what was needed for our business,” says Angela. “I also had transferable skills that made me a great Partner.”

Life in Abundance
Today, the Stovall family has built a thriving business serving families, and live the life they once dreamed of all those years ago. “We have been able to bless many people,” says Rod. “We have a saying: ‘Let your hopes, not your hurts, set your goals.’ The Primerica system has delivered on that.”
“There is no place like Primerica,” adds Angela. “This Company allows you to jump-start a business, and has the infrastructure to provide great marketing, training, and client management tools, and provides a business model where the sky’s the limit on how big you want to build your business. It truly is a vehicle where families could obtain freedom.”3
- Primerica Representatives are independent contractors and are not employees of Primerica. Representatives earn income through the sale of products and are not paid to recruit.
- In Canada, the part-time opportunity may be subject to certain restrictions, depending on your occupation.
- “Clients” refers to clients of Primerica.