Becoming the Hero
Jaime & Janett Gomez
Denver, CO
Former Occupation: Forklift Operator

Becoming the Hero
Growing up, Jaime Gomez, of Denver, CO, poured through comic books dreaming of one day emulating his favorite superheroes. “As a kid growing up in a tough city, I was inspired by the stories of extraordinary people fighting for justice,” Jaime smiles. “I imagined being the hero and making things better for my family and friends if only I could build a successful company by day and by night, right the wrongs the people I cared about suffered. I always imagined my life being an adventure like something straight out of those books and movies I loved.”
Although that childhood dream got pushed to the side by the realities of adult life and raising three children, Jaime never lost that passion to help people – a desire that made the Primerica business opportunity the perfect fit.

Taking Control
In 2003, Jaime was working full-time as a forklift operator and picking up extra work part-time in real estate and telecommunications sales. “I was working 70 hours a week and I loved it until my family began needing more of my time and attention,” Jaime recalls. “I realized I was overworked and underpaid for the value I was giving to my employer. I decided that if I was going to work that hard, I would rather my efforts go toward a business I owned.”
As it turns out, Primerica gave Jaime more than simply the opportunity to earn a great income, it also gave him an outlet to become a real life “superhero” to his family and to the families in his community that he and his business serve.

Hitting Home
That idea of becoming the hero to his family came into sharp focus when a family tragedy struck. In the aftermath, what really motivated Jaime was the intense need to share the financial education he had received through Primerica with as many people as he could.
“My aunt has always considered herself financially savvy, but when her infant son was killed by a drunk driver, the death benefit from the whole life insurance policy didn’t turn out to be what she expected,” Jaime says. “Nobody is out there teaching the Latino community about the differences between whole life insurance and term life insurance. For me and my fiancée, Janett, it’s not about making a dollar; it’s about making a difference in the lives of the people we care about.”

Earning Trust
Jaime and Janett are proud that the financial successes they’ve achieved are directly related to the number of families they’ve helped. “We love knowing that we can be 100% transparent with our clients about who we are and what we do,” Jaime enthuses. “Our faith calls us to take care of the widows and orphans and we feel like our business allows us to do exactly that. The families we serve know they can count on us – and Primerica – to be there at their most vulnerable moments.
“Primerica offered me the chance to become the man I had always imagined I could be for my family – a hero. And this business gave Janett and me the freedom of time to build a business around our family’s schedule, while investing our time and efforts into something we can leave to future generations.”
Primerica representatives market term life insurance underwritten by National Benefit Life Insurance Company, Home Office: Long Island City, NY in New York State; Primerica Life Insurance Company, Executive Offices: Duluth, GA in all other U.S. jurisdictions; and Primerica Life Insurance Company of Canada, Home Office: Suite 400, 6985 Financial Drive, Mississauga, ON, L5N 0G3, Phone: 905-812-2900 in Canada.
Primerica is a publicly traded company. All references to ownership herein refer to representatives who qualify under Primerica’s Ownership Program for the conditional right to transfer their Primerica business, subject to terms, conditions and applicable regulatory requirements. Please refer to POL for the Ownership Program documents and policies, which control in all respects.
From January 1 through December 31, 2023, Primerica paid our life-licensed sales force members an average of $7,118, reflected in local currency, unadjusted for exchange rates. Representatives typically pay an initial fee of $99 USD ($103.95 CAD in Canada, inclusive of taxes) to provide for training and licensing and also may incur ongoing personal expenses to conduct business. Our representatives earn varying levels of income and the cash flow shown reflects an extraordinary level of success that is not typical of the sales force.
The opinions expressed, including any specific religious viewpoints, are not necessarily the opinions of Primerica.