Helping People Live the Life They Deserve
Andy & Brittany Onstead
Sarasota, FL
Former Occupation: Retail / Executive Chef

The phrase “Two Ships Passing in the Night” sums up the fleeting interaction Andy & Brittany Onstead of Sarasota, FL, shared every day before joining Primerica in 2018. As an Executive Chef at two different restaurants, Andy put in a minimum of 70-80 grueling hours a week while Brittany worked full-time in retail. “We basically lived to work instead of worked to live,” says Andy. “This wasn’t the life we wanted for us nor for our kids.”
The couple, who were living in Michigan at the time, craved more family time together. They had aspirational goals, but they didn’t know how to make them happen. A meeting with a Primerica Representative, however, completely changed their predicament and future. “The Rep was a friend of ours who showed us how we were overpaying for inadequate coverage through our whole life insurance policy,” Andy explains. “It was upsetting to see how there was essentially nothing for Brittany and our kids. He set us up with a term life policy, which not only offered great protection for everyone, but it also cost us about $100 less each month. That was our initial reason for joining Primerica part-time because we wanted to help people avoid the same financial mistakes.”1,2

Success Loves Speed
Both were eager to transition out of their jobs, so they wasted no time in building their business. Success came early on as a result of their dedication, and it solidified their commitment to Primerica. “We decided to go all in after five months because we realized this was a gamechanger,” Andy recalls. “Brittany gave her two weeks’ notice the day we signed our Independent Business Application, and we got licensed a week later. Primerica was different from everything else we tried, and it just made sense to move full speed in that direction.”
Andy and Brittany have set new trailblazing records with that level of intensity. As they expanded their business, the Onstead family grew to include two more children, both of whom were born during the pandemic. “We’ve had two babies in the last three years, and it seems like each one coincided with a major milestone for us,” they joke. “Our three-year-old son was actually born on our Primerica anniversary – May 1 – and our baby daughter, Reagan, arrived in January 2022, the same month we achieved Ownership of our business.”3,4
2020 was a difficult year that challenged the way people live and work worldwide. The Onsteads persevered through it all, but the circumstances prompted them to consider a change of scenery. What was initially a six week vacation that year turned into three months and ultimately a permanent relocation to Sarasota, Florida in 2021. “We’d already been visiting the area during the winters and the timing felt right, especially since so many things had evolved to being remote,” Andy explains. Trading in the cold Michigan winters for sunny beach weather has been a breath of fresh air in many ways. “Not only did we expand our business outreach, but we sold our old house within a month, and we’ve built a beautiful new home that suits all of our needs.”

All in the Family
“The family who plays together, stays together” aptly describes the family of six. Almost everything is done as a family, and all travel is done using one vehicle – a large SUV. Brittany, who always wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, homeschools the kids and assists with the business while Andy works primarily out of their home office. “It’s been incredible to see each other and work together toward a common goal every day,” he says. “We also take care of my mom, who lives with us. We just genuinely love being together.”
Growing up and being closely involved in Primerica is already exposing their four kids – Tristan, Parker, Silas and Reagan – to different facets of the business. As “Primerica Kids,” they actively participate in setting goals and creating annual vision boards with their parents. “They know quite a bit about financial literacy, and our oldest, Tristan, even has a small online store,” Andy proudly says. “To see him think about cost value when he’s spending his own money is awesome. It means a lot when people notice their level of maturity, positivity and even their eye contact.”

Anyone, Anywhere, Any Time
Andy and Brittany’s personal mission has evolved into creating a full-service experience for clients and developing strong teammates. “We put clients in the driver’s seat to decide what’s best because you never know what people will need. It’s about being in a position to help anyone, anywhere, at any time. Our team motto – ‘Helping People Live the Life They Deserve’ – resonates because today’s job market remains unpredictable. We’ve met many people who are unprepared for retirement and job benefits are not getting better. That’s why there’s never been a bigger need for Primerica. We feel equally passionate about helping our teammates achieve their goals. It’s much more fun to watch people win! To see how their lives change and the joy they experience because of Primerica is indescribable.”
Philanthropy is a cornerstone of their success in Primerica, and they’ve made significant contributions toward their favorite causes. One of their top goals is to eventually open an orphanage that provides free housing, schooling, food and medical care. “We love sponsoring children and currently have seven from developing countries like Ethiopia, Ghana, Uganda and the Dominican Republic,” they share. “Our kids help us select them and they participate in writing letters. Whether it’s volunteering at homeless shelters, buying hurricane relief supplies, sponsoring families during Christmas or supporting fundraising campaigns, it’s very important for us to help the local and international community. Our goal is to donate the maximum amount, if possible, as much as possible.”

What was once impossible five years ago is now their normal way of life. The Onsteads can’t imagine ever going back to their old lifestyle. “It feels like we’re adding years back to our lives,” says Andy. “The odds should be stacked against me since I didn’t even graduate high school; I only have a GED! When I met Brittany, she was a single mom working three jobs despite having her bachelor’s and master’s degrees. But Primerica has given us the ability to dream as big as we want and to go make it happen. It’s crazy to realize the possibilities are endless because this wouldn’t be an option anywhere else. Everything we’ve built will extend to our kids and grandkids. We’re so blessed and fortunate to be where we are, but we know there’s still more to do. That’s why we’re more than ready to do our part.”
- In Canada, the part-time opportunity may be subject to certain restrictions, depending on your occupation.
- Primerica representatives market term life insurance underwritten by National Benefit Life Insurance Company, Home Office: Long Island City, NY in New York State; Primerica Life Insurance Company, Executive Offices: Duluth, GA in all other U.S. jurisdictions; and Primerica Life Insurance Company of Canada, Home Office: Suite 400, 6985 Financial Drive, Mississauga, ON, L5N 0G3, Phone: 905-812-2900 in Canada.
- Primerica Representatives are independent contractors and are not employees of Primerica. Representatives earn income through the sale of products and are not paid to recruit.
- Primerica is a publicly traded company. All references to ownership herein refer to representatives who qualify under Primerica’s Ownership Program for the conditional right to transfer their Primerica business, subject to terms, conditions and applicable regulatory requirements. Please refer to POL for the Ownership Program documents and policies, which control in all respects.