40 Years of Perspective

Keith & Sheila Chappelle
Duncanville, TX
Former Occupation: Student

“We teach families how to build wealth and how to pass it on generationally.”
When California-born Keith Chappelle got his start with Primerica, he was wide-eyed and dream-led, eager to start something new.  Hot on the heels of a thrilling career in college football and a brief but momentous period playing professionally, Keith’s future was wide open. A true crusader at heart, he was instantly swept away by the chance to build an enticing career as an entrepreneur with A.L. Williams.

“I was at a crossroads in my life trying to decide whether I had the ability to work for myself,” remembers Keith. “And I was a dreamer. I had been sold on the dream of having my own office and running my own business. And I thought, ‘What do I have to lose?’ I wanted to believe I could work for myself.”1

Ready to make his mark on a brand-new playing field with a new set of rules, the possibilities were endless. This new opportunity even allowed him to create a business while being surrounded by existing relationships that built him up and motivated him, like the one with his best friend and former college football teammate, Gordy Bohannon.

Keith possessed the drive and initiative to excel at the Primerica business opportunity, but when he was first getting started, he lacked the life perspective he’s now gained over the past 40 years. When he started, the growing demand for financial literacy in his community, the need for income protection and the importance of personal savings and financial self-reliance were all unique concepts to him.

“We were young and single,” remembers Keith. “Now we’ve seen the life cycle completed. We’ve seen so many personal examples (both good and bad) of people who have taken advantage of the opportunity, and sadly, people who haven’t.”

Today, the need for what Primerica offers is as great as it’s ever been, says Keith. “People have become more aware of the need for life insurance, but they are still out there being misinformed by families, friends, social media. The industry is selling different forms of cash value life insurance, they are just selling it under different names now.”

As a result, Keith and his wife, Sheila, have reframed the mission of their Primerica business, based out of Duncanville, TX, to cater every aspect of what they offer to the unique needs of their community. They are focused on building a family legacy through serving their clients. “We teach families how to build wealth and how to pass it on generationally,” explains Keith. “The challenge is addressing financial literacy and realizing the need for the products.” Aside from helping people with the financial products and services Primerica offers, Keith is grateful for being able to continue sharing the vision he saw with the Company when he started 40 years ago. “It’s great to see Primerica through the eyes of a new teammate,” smiles Keith. “This business opportunity is even greater today because more people are thinking entrepreneurially and looking for opportunities that allow for flexibility.”2

  1. Primerica is a publicly traded company. All references to ownership herein refer to representatives who qualify under Primerica’s Ownership Program for the conditional right to transfer their Primerica business, subject to terms, conditions and applicable regulatory requirements. Please refer to POL for the Ownership Program documents and policies, which control in all respects.

  2. Primerica Representatives are independent contractors and are not employees of Primerica. Representatives earn income through the sale of products and are not paid to recruit.