Loving People
Terrill & Anna Knighton
Richardson, TX
Former Occupation: Waiter

In 1992, Terrill Knighton, of Richardson, TX, was working his way through college in Dallas waiting tables when a conversation with a customer – a Primerica Representative – gave him a new perspective on his future.
“We had gone outside to look at his vehicle and he introduced me to the business opportunity right there, out of the back of his car,” Terrill laughs. “Looking back, he just walked me through what Primerica does over a little tri-fold brochure, which doesn’t seem very significant now – but it just goes to show you can’t say the wrong thing to the right person.”
Terrill was impressed with the earning potential that could come from building his own business, but he was also intrigued by the chance to help people in his community.1, 4, 5
“Like a lot of people, I thought getting a degree and then a ‘good job’ was going to be the ticket to my goals, but when I saw Primerica and heard the simple How Money Works™ concepts we teach, I realized that if I had never learned these ideas in school, most of the people I knew probably didn’t know them either.” 6

When Terrill met his wife, Anna, it was the perfect match in more ways than one. In fact, the pair was so sure they were meant to do life – and business – together, they got married just a few months after first meeting.
“I was working for Terrill’s uncle at a law firm at the time,” Anna explains. “We met in June 2000 and we got married that September! I didn’t know anything about Primerica, but I told Terrill I wanted to be part of what he was doing for families.”
It didn’t take long for the couple to sort out the aspects of the business in which they each could thrive. In addition to creating a warm, inviting office environment for Representatives and clients alike to plug into, Anna worked as a substitute teacher part-time – a position which also provided more opportunities to grow their influence and network.
“So many of the teachers I was working with needed the solutions Primerica offers,” Anna says. “I loved being able to educate them on the basic financial concepts we teach, and then Terrill would help them get the solutions they needed to achieve their goals.”

When they started their family, the foundation of success they’d worked hard to create gave the couple opportunities they may not have had before. “One of our heroes in Primerica, Bill Orender, always says the greatest gift he ever gave his family was a stay-at-home-mom,” Anna reflects. “We now have four kids – two in college and two in middle school – and I’ve been able to be a full-time mom since the beginning.”
Terrill adds, “Anna has still been involved with our business, but the kids having their mom with them has been one of the biggest benefits of being in business for ourselves. Primerica also allows us to be able to make decisions for our family without worrying about money, and that’s huge.”

Finding Primerica certainly changed the Knightons’ financial future. But all the good they’ve done along the way sticks with them. “One of my first clients had been with us for about 20 years when the husband got cancer and passed away pretty quickly,” Terrill remembers. “The wife was really struggling so I treated her as if she were my aunt and I was her nephew. She had no clue what to do with the benefit check, so I helped her invest it along with her husband’s retirement funds and we made sure we stayed present in her life.2, 3
“Until she passed away, whatever she needed, we were there for her – taking her to the store, helping her with her finances. To us, that’s what this business is about. We see people every day who may feel left out or disenfranchised, or they don’t feel important or worth paying attention to. We love people. Clients become friends and friends become clients – and that’s the best part for us.”
- Primerica offers a business opportunity that involves the sale of term life insurance, securities, and various other financial products. Sales representatives are independent contractors, not employees. Their earnings are based on the sale of products offered by Primerica and also qualifying product referrals. Importantly, for many product lines, sales representatives must obtain required licenses before the representatives may sell those products.
- Primerica representatives market term life insurance underwritten by National Benefit Life Insurance Company (Home Office: Long Island City, NY) in New York and Primerica Life Insurance Company (Executive Offices: Duluth, GA) in all other U.S. jurisdictions.
- Primerica representatives must be appropriately licensed for each product line before they are qualified to make a sale.
- From January 1 through December 31, 2022, Primerica paid cash flow to its North American sales force at an average of $7,479, which includes commissions paid on all lines of business to life licensed representatives. Figures include U.S. and Canadian dollars remaining in the local currency earned by the representative, not adjusted for exchange rates. Primerica Representatives are independent contractors and are not employees of Primerica. Representatives earn income through the sale of products and are not paid to recruit.
- Ownership is available only upon meeting all qualification and eligibility requirements, and remaining in compliance with all terms and conditions, as set forth in the Ownership Program Document and various operating policies and procedures issued by Primerica from time to time.
- PRIMERICA and the Primerica Logo are trademarks of Primerica, Inc., registered in the U.S. and Canada. HOW MONEY WORKS is a trademark of Primerica, Inc.